

The controls attribute in mave-player offers the ability to customize the visible controls. By specifying this attribute, developers can precisely control which playback controls are available to the end-users. This feature supports a range of options, including play/pause buttons, volume control, fullscreen toggle among others.

  embed="{embed id}"
  controls="play time seek volume rate fullscreen"

When this attribute is not specified, we provide a standard set of controls.


Label Description
play Starts the playback of the video from the current position.
time Shows the exact point in time where the video is currently playing.
seek Displays the current position in the video.
rate Adjusts the speed at which the video plays back.
subtitles Enables users to manage the display of subtitles or closed captions.
volume Adjusts the audio level of the video playback.
fullscreen Expands the video player to fill the entire screen.


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